Open Chinese Convert  1.0.3
A project for conversion between Traditional and Simplified Chinese
 All Classes Functions Typedefs Modules
Class List
Here are the classes, structs, unions and interfaces with brief descriptions:
[detail level 123]
 CBinaryDictBinary dictionary for faster deserialization
 CConfigConfiguration loader
 CConversionConversion interface
 CConversionChainChain of conversions Consists of a list of conversions
 CConverterController of segmentation and conversion
 CDartsDictDarts dictionary
 CDictAbstract class of dictionary
 CDictEntryKey-values pair entry
 CDictGroupGroup of dictionaries
 CLexiconStorage of all entries
 CMaxMatchSegmentationImplementation of maximal match segmentation
 COptionalA class that wraps type T into a nullable type
 COptional< T * >Specialization of Optional for pointers
 CSegmentationAbstract segmentation
 CSegmentsSegmented text
 CSerializableDictSerializable dictionary interface
 CSimpleConverterA high level converter This interface does not require C++11 to compile
 CTextDictText dictionary
 CUTF8UtilUTF8 string utilities